🎉 Keadex Mina 1.0 is now available!

Diagrams Links

The layering of the C4 model enables the creation of clear and understandable diagrams. Moreover, you will often create diagrams focusing on specific systems, which, in turn, integrate with other systems.

By linking diagrams of different levels or systems together, you will enable interactive navigation that allows users to have a clear and detailed view of your architectures.


Keadex Mina leverages the $link property supported by the C4-PlantUML (opens in a new tab) syntax to define a link between a diagram element and a diagram.

In Mina, the value of the $link property has the format DIAGRAM_TYPE/DIAGRAM_NAME, where DIAGRAM_TYPE and DIAGRAM_NAME are respectively the type and name of the linked diagram (in lower and dash-case).

It is possible to link only the following C4 element types:

  • Software Systems
  • Containers
  • Components

Creating a link

  1. Place the cursor at the line of the code editor containing the element to link
  2. You have two options:
    1. Right mouse click -> "Add a link to a diagram"
    2. Click on the icon
  3. Select a diagram
  4. Mina will add for you the $link property with the auto-generated value
  5. Save the diagram

Deleting a link

  1. Place the cursor at the line of the code editor containing the element to link
  2. You have two options:
    1. Right mouse click -> "Add a link to a diagram"
    2. Click on the icon
  3. Clear the field
  4. Select "Unlink..."
  5. Mina will remove for you the $link property
  6. Save the diagram
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