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Auto Layout

Architectural diagrams are fundamental for sharing within the team how different systems and processes are integrated with each other. These become even more important in large companies, where hundreds of different systems are integrated. In this case, it is equally crucial to create clear and understandable diagrams.

Applications with fully automated rendering systems, in the presence of many architectural elements, generate cluttered and hardly understandable diagrams, making them lose their utility.

For this reason, Mina provides three options for rendering diagrams:

  1. Auto Layout: Let Mina position the diagram elements. This will speed up your work but may result in messy diagrams.
  2. Custom Layout: Have the freedom to decide how your diagrams will look. This will slow down your work, but your diagrams will look great.
  3. Hybrid Layout: Enable auto layout to generate initial positions, then disable it to customize them. This is a compromise in terms of speed and final rendering.

The choice between these options depends on the complexity of the diagram.


If you enable the auto layout after customizing the diagram, all your customizations will be discarded and overwritten with the automatically generated positions.


There are different options to configure the auto layout:

  • In the modal of the diagram creation.
  • In the diagram editor.

Modal of the diagram creation

Screenshot of Mina, highlighting the auto layout options during the diagram creation

Diagram editor

Screenshot of Mina, highlighting the auto layout button in the diagram editorScreenshot of Mina, highlighting the auto layout modal in the diagram editor
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